Friday 8 November 2013

Reason of Acne and Pimples !

What's the fact!

No one factor causes acne. Acne occurs when sebaceous (oil) glands attached to the hair follicles are stimulated at the time of puberty by circulating male hormones. Sebum (oil) is a natural substance which lubricates and protects the skin. Associated with increased oil production is a change in the manner in which the skin cells mature, predisposing them to clog the follicular pore. The clog can appear as a whitehead if it covered by a thin layer of skin or if exposed to the air the darker exposed portion of the plug is called a "blackhead." The plugged hair follicle gradually enlarges, producing a bump. As the follicle enlarges, the wall may rupture, allowing irritating substances and normal skin bacteria access into the deeper layers of the skin, ultimately producing inflammation. Inflammation near the skin's surface produces a pustule; deeper inflammation results in a papule (pimple); if the inflammation is deeper still, it forms a cyst.

How to reduce acne- Basic Tips !

Reason of Dark Circles and Puffiness !

What's the fact !

Despite what most people think, deep, dark circles and bags under your eyes are not primarily caused by being tired or stressed. Instead, dermatologists and plastic surgeons agree that this is caused by capillaries that leak blood close the skin's surface. When this blood begins to oxidize, it turns a bluish red color, similar to an ugly bruise. And since the skin under the eyes is very thin, this leads to the appearance of the embarrassing bags and dark circles. The more transparent your skin and the more blood that pools under it, the darker the circles appear. And what's worse, this discoloration over time can become permanent!

Most Easy way to get of Dark Circles and Puffiness !